About Us

Hi, it's me Celeste Sterling, owner of Keep the Momentum LLC. 

If you're reading this that means you have some kind of interest in Health & Wellness & I just want you to know I am so proud of you. The hardest step is starting; whatever your story is, you got this!

A brief background on me,

I am 30 years of age from Stockton, CA. From a loving family that comes from both coasts & come together over some good soul food. Which is where my journey began. Ive always had a passion for learning and inquiring on just about everything; dieting just so happened to be one of my favorite things do in my early 20s. My mind switched from caring about how I looked to caring about how I felt. In 2018, my dad went in for a prostate exam and learned that they found cancer. I was away in Iowa at school and completely devastated & knew it was time for a lifestyle change for all of us. We went Raw Vegan ( I personally went Raw Vegan for over 40 days) and I know its hard to believe but my dad cancer wasn't found when he went in for his check up. After learning the power of Whole. Raw. Real foods, my purpose had been found.

My mission is centered around providing fun, delicious, affordable, mineral dense options. The goal is to give my customers an experience every time they order. We cater to those who are intending to diet and cleanse, those who want to rid meat and dairy from their body, most importantly whoever wants to change their lifestyle. We want to create a community whose goal is to stay mentally strong in all aspects of life & make our health a priority; giving you better options and advice with no consequences.

We encourage a Raw Vegan lifestyle & promotes preventative health. We believe that if you FEEL and not FILL the body you'll be able to understand the magic that our food and Mother Earth provides for us; we won't have to look any further than self.


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